Wednesday, September 13, 2017



 Excerpt from the  Speech of Executive Governor Of Benue State, Chief Dr. Samuel Ortom Occasion of Igede Positive Youth  Visit To His Excellency, On 11th September, 2017. 

Culled by Ogi John

Leader of the delegation, distungusidged leaders of Igede nation who are here in their numbers, and very distinguished youths of Igede nation, Igede Ihio, ihio (applauds)
Let me start by appreciating God for this unique and uncommon gathering that we have today.  I will appreciate this gathering at this critical time that some youths feel it is only to insult and spread lies that matters but when you have youths coming out in their larger numbers to send words of encouragement to me and my government, to me I am deeply touched and encouraged.  When we have youths coming out in their number to encourage me I am grateful and I appreciate it, for coming to support my government. I want to also appreciate the support given by the elders to the youths, the speech given by the leader of this delegation and the support by the elders have captured everything; you have appreciated me and encouraged me and have sought things to be done for the Igede Nation . I want to assure you that I have absorbed everything you have said here and appreciate you for everything. click to read more

Like someone said Igede people are unique people and he qualified me to be an Igede man, I am very happy that despite the falsehood carried around there are still few people who still appreciates the truth, and want to live by it and walk with it. The Bible says we shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free that’s the only thing. For me, I remain committed to the same Samuel Ortom that came to you to seek for your support, you recall that I told you that by the grace of God if you make me the Governor I will live with the fear of God and I will ensure truthfulness, equity, fairness, justice , transparency, accountability, integrity, selflessness , discipline, love,  forgiveness with restitution and  reconciliation so that we will be united as a people and once that happens , once we are united as a people, once you have you faith in me as a leader and I have faith in you as a people and we work together as a team and we working together as united for the course of Benue State, development will become inevitable. Because when that happens there will be no stealing, no shortchanging, funds that are meant for development projects will be channeled towards them. 

Permit me to say that my government is a government of transformation, transformation from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light (applauds) from evil to righteousness and so many facts abound because not many people are willing to say the truth and speak the truth like the Igede Nation (applauds). Out of the 77 billion naira stolen from government, Igede people are not involve and I salute their integrity and you hardly see Igede man amongst kidnappers and armed robbers. There is no hiding place for any evil man or woman in this administration because we have dedicated this state to God. About salaries I will tell you everything, people who insult me and criticize me that this and that, people talk about this salary as if Ortom kept this money somewhere and did not want to pay, I will give you this information. Having listened to the speech by the coordinator I am convinced that you need no other information but on salaries I will give you information so you are better informed. 
I want to commend you, continue with your life, back in the days in Abuja you will find Igede people pounding yams in hotels and restaurants and doing all odd jobs but today because of the humility of Igede people and their dedication to service you hardly find Igede people doing those kind of jobs nowadays. Now it is my Tiv brothers, if you go to Abuja you see security guards everywhere and they will come and greet in Tiv: Upandever ( goodmorning), remember we were told that humility is when you humble yourself God will bless you. I want to appreciate Igede people and task both our Tiv and Idoma brother from across the state to emulate the character of Igede people and I encourage you to continue and don’t be carried away with destroyers who are living high life, remain in your life and God willing you will get to that level, Igede people are well educated, there cannot be any greatness without travail, when that time comes greatness must come.

A man who was going to loose the gubernatorial election was here, but they were not God and I told them that a man cannot receive anything except it be given to him by God so people should not intimidate me if God wants me to be there I will be there, so I want to appreciate you for what you did for me during the election. From one party to the other Igede people supported me and I will never forget nor do anything to undermine Igede nation. I see you as part of me, In Zone C I see Igede Nation as my backbone, I want to implore you that:
§  This issue of Head of Service that brought a lot of concern to an average Igede man or woman should not bother you, I will do everything adequately possible to bring a closing gap. I have decided that another Permanent Secretary should be appointed in Igede land in addition to other appointments that will be made.
§  SSA: we will appoint two other Senior Special Assistants , one in Oju and another in Obi Local Governments respectively to close the gap.
Other things you have mentioned like the road, people like Hon Owulo Owulo, Chief Ode Enyi, Bar Pat Kupchi will never allow me to rest about Oju road. I understand these things, I want to say that am very pained about the Oju- Awajir road  because during my campaign I made a promise and if I can open my heart for you to see, promises are very demoralizing things because when you make a promise you should do it. I am a politician that respect and fear God so when I say a thing I love to keep my words.  For the Aliade –Obarike Ito road it will interest you to know that the money for that road was paid and somebody collected it and the people are suffering, I wanted to take the contractor to court and the contractor said he will not want to tarnish his image so we decided that we terminate the contract, we handed the issue to EFCC but the process is very slow and so it is a big challenge but I have decided that as soon we get some money we will rearward the contract to another person. We have contractors who offered to do the road and have us pay afterwards but we said no. I appreciate your understanding and my attention is also drawn to the non- presence of government in Obi LG, I want to assure you that I must make impact in Obi. The Oju- Awajir road is in the 2017 budget as soon as we get some allowance we will come there. The Oju- Obusa –Utonkon road we have already mobilized the contractor and they are back to site, recently out of the 107 billion to be recovered from 52 persons we have recovered 4.5 billion and that is the money we have used to pay the contractor to go back.

Electricity projects in Oju and Obi, they are all in budget and as soon as there is financial backup we will work toward all that, I want to assure you that am with you at all time, I want to thank the leaders of Igede Positive Youth and the elders who have come to support them. This has shown who the Igede people are, if it were the kind of support some people do and put their hands behind for money it would have shown clear but this one is very genuine and I deeply appreciate this kind of support and I want to assure you that if there are any issue and you want to see me , please communicate to me or if they are any creative ideas for suggestions for development you can come to me and a group or individuals so we can work together to make Benue State greater. I am very committed to all this and I want to assure you that we will continue to pray and the Bible admonishes that we pray for our leaders. 

About the local government staff who were sacked as ghost workers, after the screening exercise and we clear the problem I can assure you that we will look into the matter. I received interim reports that there are a lot of ghost workers discovered in different places, salary anomalies. Each local government is having a Chairman and Councilors, they are elected by the people and must do something to show. Government has a responsibility of paying workers as at when due, it should be. What we are doing is to try and pay salaries and so once that is done anything left should be used to do something no matter how small to show the people that somebody was elected. 

On unemployment and request for loans, we have Bank of Industry and Bank of Agriculture, we have secure loan from Central Bank and we are giving it out at 5 % so that our people can be able to access and service it. People can form cooperatives so that the youths can access loans, for those in urban areas, we have decided to reduce the cost of our C of Os by 50% so that people can easily get land titles and use them as collateral.
I have heard about what you said about a bus. Things are tight but we look forward to better days so we can do that.

 Let me assure you that , as one who listens to God I will not have made it, God directed me to contest this election. When I was thrown out of PDP and people came to me crying, I told them not to worry except God did not send me but if He did, they should come to IBB Square come 29th of May that I will be sworn in and it came to pass. The Bible says the test of a true prophet is that when he says a thing it must come to pass. I also learnt from David in the Bible that the way to anything is to ask God, and if God says yes who can say no. the Bible said better is the end of a matter than the beginning.

Despite the challenges we see today, if we have faith everything will be fine, I have done several things in life but I have never failed in anyone, I dropped out of school but God gave me education, started work as a motor park clerk but see where I am today, I served in the local government and federal before I came back to be Governor. Before I became Governor my business was doing well, up till today the industrial layout was vacant until I came in the other industries started coming up. My political life I have succeeded. I have learnt to work hard and God has always protected me, by the grace of God this assignment when am done God will help me and I will succeed. 

By early next year, I believe political activities will start and am praying that by that time God will lead me to re-contest for Governor of Benue State but if He dosent that will be a different thing, but the voice of the people is the voice of God so if God confirms the voice of the people then I have no option than to respond (applauds)

The issue of salaries is a major issue in Benue State but this is not peculiar to Benue State alone, 24 states of the federation are not able to pay salaries as at when due because of the economic recession. We appreciate the fact that oil that was sold for 140 Dollars before is now less than 50 Dollars so what comes into the federation account have dropped to an unreasonable level and our IGR is a major big hurdle, instead of IGR complementing what we get from the federation account it is nothing to write home about.  We have average of 250 million a month but since we came in we have increased it to 500 million per month, because there was a huge cry from traditional rulers, stakeholders, and clergy and pleaded that we reduce the generating points and today we are back to 250 million so we dropped.  What comes from federation account is an average of 6 billion naira, when we came in we inherited a wage bill of 8.2 billion and this was excluding minimum wage for teachers, it was we that decided that teachers should be paid. If you put that together it get to 8.5 billion and on the average what you get from IGR and federation account is around 6 billion so on salaries alone you talking about 7.8 billion and that is where we are today. On salary alone we have a shortfall of 1.8 billions every month, taking it that you are paying salaries alone , for security you must use money, every police car you see is funded by government, if you don’t fund their cars they are not ready to move. A commissioner must travel and must use money, running everything about government is money and there are other critical needs. 

Because of the shortfall , we have over 40 billion arrears on salaries and gratuity , for the Local government  their wage bill including 120 million pension was at 3.7 billion and what comes in should be around 2.7 billion so we discussed with Labour Unions and we agreed that at local government one month you pay teachers and the other month you pay local government staff so for every category of worker in Benue every two month they are paid one month.
Thank You  
Thank You

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