Saturday, January 21, 2017

Adutu selection gets messier as Ede Ogaba responds to Prof Ojowu "YOU GOT IT WRONG, PROF. ODE OJOWU


The public statement issued by Professor Ode Ojowo, erstwhile Economic Adviser to former President Olusegun Obasanjo on the selection of chiefs in Benue state with particular reference to Igede land is a pure case of calculated mischief. And, we are disappointed. Prof. Ojowu is a highly respected Benue son with unfettered acess to the state Deputy Governor, Engr. Benson Abounu. However, instead of meeting him to resolve whatever concerns he has, he chose to deride him with a public statement he knows to be untrue.

The Professor had acused the Deputy Governor and the state APC chairman, Comrade Abba Yaro of trying to meddle into Igede affairs and dictating the outcome of the selection process in the belief that “they have a duty to decide who becomes a First Class Chief of the Igede people”
What a cheap blackmail! Engr Benson Abounu has no particular interest in the selection of the first class chief of Igede or any other class of chief for that matter. The facts of the mater are very clear indeed.
The meeting of Igede stakeholders, traditional rulers and contestants to the various stools called by the Deputy Governor was sequel to the earlier one called by the Executive Governor, Dr Samuel Ortom.
Whereas Prof. Ojowu sees the action of the Deputy Governor as meddling in Igede affairs, everyone that attended the meeting had praises for him. They applauded him for effectively playing his role as the leader of the zone and for his honest, fair and unbiased steering of the meeting during which crucial decisions were taken by the Igede people.
If calling the meeting tantamounts to meddling in the affairs of the Igede people, one wonders if the same thing can be said of the governor that called the first meeting. Again, what exactly is the quarrel of the learned Professor with the Deputy Governor calling the meeting and providing the needed leadership and platform for the Igede people to take decisions that affect them?
It is important to state that apart from that meeting, the Deputy Governor also had similar meetings with the Ado/Ogbadibo/Okpokwu people, the Otukpo/Ohimini and the Apa/Agatu people, and in all these cases, no one accused him of meddlesomeness.
When some people objected to zoning the first class chief to Adenu, the area Prof. Ode Ojowu favours on the tenuous ground that Adenu is a creation of the Methodist Church, it was the Deputy Governor who stood up to say that no area should be discriminated against on account of its history? If this is not honest leadership, what else is it?
Given the Professor’s own admission that some Igede leaders were promoting the allegation that he was interfering with and manipulating the process of picking the 1st class Chief, it is surprising that he has now turned round to accuse the Deputy Governor of the very thing he stands accused of by his own people.
And whereas we don’t want to join issues with the respected economist, it is clear, who between the deputy governor and Prof Ojowu is trying to impose a chief on the Igede people. Is it not true that Prof Ode Ojowu has today invited the two sole administrators in Igede land to Abuja for the sole purpose of intimidating them to impose his candidate on the people? Is it not also a fact that he led his annointed candidate to both Governor Samuel Ortom and Distinguished Senator George Akume for him to be declared the chief without recourse to the law and the views and opinions of the Igede people and that, this was politely turned down?
How can he now turn round and accuse the Deputy Governor of trying to interfere with what he calls the “autonomy of the Igede people to decide their fate and God given destiny” in picking the chief of their choice when he admitted taking his anointed candidate to the Governor and the Distinguished Senator for him to be announced chief?
His explanation that his action is not for pecuniary reasons or other benefits to the detriment of the igede people does not in any way exculpate him of the false steps he took.
The Deputy Governor has the highest regard for the erudite professor and has always accorded him his due respect and honour but for him to turn round and accuse him of meddlesomeness is most unfortunate.
We also find unfortunate and ludicrous the accusation that the Deputy Governor and the Party Chairman are putting unfair pressures on their own appointed officials of Igede extraction and instructing them to take over the process for the sole purpose of influencing the outcome.
Engr Benson Aboumu has no preferred candidate and he has no reason to try to influence the outcome of the selection process. His role has remained ensuring that, the process is done without rancor and in line with the chieftaincy laws.
No matter the amount of blackmail, it must be made clear that the Deputy Governor will not be dissuaded from performing his legitimate duties as demanded of him by his office.
It is clear that Prof. Ojowu got it terribly wrong, and we wish to appeal to him not to heat up the polity or mislead the public but allow the people decide who to select as their traditional rulers.
Ede Ogaba Ede
Chief Press Secretary,
Deputy Governor, Benue state

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