Monday, January 16, 2017

Mind blowing piece by............. IGEDE: The Crown of Multiple Voices by By Comrade Ben I. Obega

IGEDE: The Crown of Multiple Voices
In every generation of mankind, a society that does not appreciate the role and significant of a common voice, be it small or a larger ethnic group is heading to an untold pain, sorrows and captivity.
When a group of people of a common social-cultural heritage find themselves in such an unhealthy atmosphere of life; political marginalization, social injustices and inequality, hatred and lack of focal point to structural development therefore, triumph over the ‘voice of freedom’. There is no doubt, a critical evaluation revealed that poverty has become an endemic in a society, progressively lead to untimely death, sending ‘unripe fruits of souls’ to their ancestral homes.
The gods are perceived to be angry with such situation of unripe harvest of souls. Aside the current deplorable state of living, fears of tomorrow had overwhelmed the remnant children and youths who are mere spectators watching actors and actresses on the stage promoting self, divisions, unhealthy legacies and greed rather than amplifying a common voice of IgedeNation.

When society is conditioned to uphold and celebrate such an unholy crown, ironically, a genuine crown of a king, prince and princess becomes a ‘mere slogan’ in the land turning kingdom to a jungle.
Well, do not ask me why Arewa Northern Consultative Forum, Afeni-feri and Indigbo voices are all used as an instrument of success attracting peace and development closer to their peoples.
Ofcourse, a common voice is not a unique attribute of a larger ethnic nationality. Ijaw,Orobo,Tiv among others ever before now, strengthening their fathers’ tenth through a similar weapon of moral development.
Yes, it is not uncommon, Great Britain and United States of America uphold this man’s weapon of ageless breakthrough (common voice)as emphasised by the US president, President Barack Obama in his validatory speech during his 2nd term swear-in ceremony in Washington DC and I quote: ‘that the strength of America does not lying on American’s scientific ability to produce weapons to combat her enemies nor her numeric strength but a force of common voice that establishes the sense of unity to say no when it is no or yes when it is yes.’
In line with that, coming closer to Black race, few of our founding heroes like Dr.Nkwame Nkrumah of Ghana, unequivocally demanded for liberation of a black race by advocating for unfailing weapon, ‘voice of unity’. “…that sahara, which had divided us, now had united us. That injury for one, is an injury for all. That the black race should seek first the political kingdom and its righteousness (i.e. voice of unity) and every other thing will be added unto them.”
Perhaps,man’s principles of collective bargaining through common voice could be criticised. Can Almighty God, the all sufficient one be so unmindful to apply similar formular? “And God said: come let us made man in our own image... Come, let us reason together, says the Lord….” That was a power of common voice in action as reflected in the Holy Book.
If several points of undeniable evident stated above is something to write home about, then, the writer (Comrade Ben) cannot be condemned rather should be praised by saying that the crown (success) of Igede Nation will largely be activated by a common active voicein every corridors of power. Be it local, traditional,political or governmental.
It is indeed, dangerous to be right when society is wrong. Professor Chinua Achebe of blessed memory at distance had x-rayed this unfinished ‘bitter kola’ of life we are chewing today. Long ago, the seasoned oracle had foretold the evil factors that prelude the reward we are painfully enjoying today. Quite unfortunate, no one cares to chase the evil bird that perch on a domestic tree of Nigerian society. Evil bird of corruption, evil bird of political manipulation.Evil bird of segregation and unholy legacies. Evil bird of social injustices and inequality had actually cut off the rope that united us. Things are now falling apart, the centre could no longer hold, the mere anarchy has rather loosed upon the world.
Quite hopefully, now that the language of ‘change’ is a common phenomenon mostly, in politics and in traditional domain, can the actors and actress agree to restore our lost crown, deviating from multiple echoof moral war over projects of developing Igede Nation? In fact, my eyes tell thousands of stories, as we watch them daily. Can merit continue to be a sacrificial lamb on the altar of social injustices and mediocrity? Can we, the youths begin to adjust our saged trousers and face the reality of life? With our saged trousers, we mugaged our destiny.
Most importantly, could it be morally wrong for us to amplify our common voice to the hearing of the resource controller(s) so as to redeem the image of our bad roads that claimed hundreds of lives of our relative on yearly basis?
Despite all these, I perceived a greater tomorrow for Igede Nation. I want to believe that the symptoms are not a mirage. I see a ray of hope protracting from several quarters of Igede land meditating a common idea of Igede to be great.
Yes, revolution is already in the heart of our heroes. After all, one of our respected elder once said: “minority is in the state of mind, not numbers.” I see giant minds of great Igede sons and daughters tirelessly waging successful war for our genuine crown. The project is not all about you, neither is it me nor someone else, but it’s about fulfilling the destiny of Igede Nation in general, through a common voice.Igede must be great, honoured and be crowned.

By Comrade Ben I. Obega

(Abuja based Comrade)

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